Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Cari Miei, 

So glad to hear it was an eventful happy week! I love hearing about how you're all doing! 

So questions really quick! Haha, I got a few cards! Aunt Emily sent one, I got one from Lauren, one from the Ward Relief Society, it was awesome! Mail is so fun! Sorry, I didn't send any pics last week! It was a pretty crazy one and I had to do apartment orders! We teach M in a combo of Spanish and Italian. I throw in any Spanish words I know and am learning most of the gospel words in Spanish for the lessons, the gift of tounges is real! I try and write in my journal every day, and if I miss a day, I go back and do it the next one, Never fear! I love looking back at the earlier entries and seeing how much I've already grown. Sorella Nedelkov and I get along pretty well! She's really nice and willing to work really hard, so we're always super busy. Things are going really well in the ward! Our entire district is in the ward,so there are four anziani with us. We meet with the ward mission leader every week but I've never met with the ward council. We want to get them to start inviting us though! The members are awesome, and we get referrals, but unfortunately, most of them don't work out super  (except M ;))I love what Elder Satati said! The ward council can be such an asset in missionary work. From a missionary perspective, the ward council is essential in friendshipping and in helping us get members to lessons, becasue you really can't do it without them, at least it's really hard. 

Also, I love the theme for the youth this year! Chapter 4 of D&C is kinda the unofficial mission scripture. We all memorize it in Italian. That verse is Perciò, O voi che vi imbarcate nel servizio di Dio, guardate di servirlo con tutto il cuore, facoltà, mente e forze per poter stare senza biasimo dinanzi a Dio all'ultimo giorno. It's a beautiful scripture! 

Also, I loved what Dad said about giving service to less active members to start fellowshipping them again, becasue, we've been seeing how much that helps! Usually, they just need a little love! 

Anywho, Our week! Last Wednesday, I took Sorella Nedelkov around some of the high points of Milano! We went to the Duomo, the Tiger (an amazing store with every little cool random thing you'd ever need), to get panzzerotti and gelato and we tried to find the bone chapel but I couldn't remember where it was. Oops. Then we saw a member family that night!

Thrusday, we attempted some pass bys but had to wander through construction and down random streets and hop some train tracks until we realized it wasn't going to work out. But we had English class that night and had a few other less actives lessons, so it was a good day!

Friday, We had another appointment with M, so we taught her the word of wisdom, but apparently, her member friend had already taught her most of it and had bought her orzo, the weird coffee substitute all of the members drink here, and she was already living it. So that was a nice surprise. She also said she wanted to fast for this fast Sunday and even wanted to pay fast offering (which she did, the bishop was a little confused). Basically, she's just doig amazing and progressing very fast! We asked her to pray about a baptisimal date that feels right for her, so we'll ask her next Friday what answer she recieved. Friday night, we had a scambio with our Sister Training Leader, Sorella Woods, she came here to Milano with me. It was cool, she's a really awesome Sorella. She's going home at the end of this transfer. (apparently it's impossible for me to not be with dying Sorelle :)) 

Saturday, we had lunch with a less active family and then went to a baptism that the Busto anziani were holding (that's Anziano Hubbard from the MTC) It was beautiful! 

Sunday, we had a presentation in our ward about missionary work. We (us and the anziani) were in charge of it, but we didn't know that until Friday night. But it turned out really good and we hope it will help motivate the ward to help us out with friendshipping and referrals! 

Monday ended up being a super crazy day! We had to renew our metro and bus passes, but we needed to pay in cash for it. So we were running around the city trying to find an atm that would work, but none of them would accept our cards. We finally got it though, but as soon as we got on our bus and it started moving, an older lady fell and seriously hurt herself in the back, so we were all shouting Ferma! Ferma! at the bus driver until he finally stopped and we could help out this lady. She ended up having to go to the hospital but she didn't have a cell phone, or any family members. She had a neighbor that she said could help her. So, Sorella Nedelkov and I embarked on an adventure to track down this lady, without a map becasue we'd forgotten it. We had a ton of people help us out on the way. We finally got to the address to find out that part of it was wrong, but so many small miracles were there helping us, so we found this neighbor and were able to relay the message and help out this lady who'd been hurt. It was just amazing to see how God put us in her path because we could help her. We were super happy to give some service.! 

Anywho, yesterday we had FHE and a few other appointments! It's been a crazy and long week!
Sorella Nedelkov had a birthday this week

Our fridge is bursting with food half the time! 
Well, that's it for the week! I love you all so much and I'm so happy to be serving here! Have a great week! 
Love, Sorella Snow
 PS. The title of the email is because I noticed this week that whenever we're doing pass bys of less active members that the ward hasn't seen in a long time and nobody knows who they are, I always sing that song on the way there. I'm such a dork!

Here are some random picture Kim sent this week from January:


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